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I think I’m alone now…

November 11, 2013

…there doesn’t seem to be anyone around.

I’m all by myself in the house — for the entire long weekend. J and T are on a “boys trip” to Peoria, Illinois to visit family. Last week, when I mentioned this scenario to any mom-friends, without fail, they responded with complete and utter jealousy. “A whole weekend to yourself? What are you going to do?” And then they’d rattle off all the things they’d do with time alone: a pedicure, a massage, sleep in, go see a movie.

And, since Friday afternoon, I have gotten a chance to do these wonderful, relaxing things. I read a whole book, took a long bath, got my hair cut, slept in, watched an HGTV Love it or List It marathon, went to a very restorative prenatal yoga class, caught up on the stack of magazines that was sitting by the couch. It has been a nice respite before baby boy #2 turns our lives upside down.

But, I’m also lonely. I miss both of my boys. I find myself wondering what they’re doing and somewhat obsessively checking my phone for updates and pictures. I’m reminded that my life may be crazier and more tiring as a mother (and wife), but oh-so-much richer.

So, score another point for the “boys trip” weekend: in addition to giving me the time and space to do some relaxing me-things, it makes me appreciate the regular, non-relaxing life that I’ll get back tomorrow evening. I’m even willing to say — from my current relaxing and solitary perch on the couch — that I’m looking forward to some morning getting-dressed battles with an almost-3 year old.

[Image via here — appropriately, a blog post from The Guardian BooksBlog about finding the time to read]

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